Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome to the 2012-2013 School Year!

Here we go! We have started our new school year and are busy establishing our classroom expectations, getting to know each other, and figuring out our new routines. We have played a few games and have more to come...Beginning around 9/12 (exact dates to come) we will start our first units of the year:

6th grade: Zumba
8th grade: Swimming

Here are a few reminders to help you get the school year off to a great start!

Locker items: Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap, Sunscreen, personal items

Uniform: Required.. both the top and bottom - everyday, with your name on it. Also, athletic shoes and socks (hair up recommended)

Sun Safety: please remember your sunscreen and/or hat on your PE days - well, everyday would be great too!

Day of PE: A good breakfast, plenty of water and a great attitude! :)

**6th grade parents: It was great to meet so many of you at Parent Night! If you were unable to make it or missed meeting us, here is the handout we provided..It repeats some of the above reminders that were intended for the girls but I wanted to share it anyway.**


-Your daughter has PE on A, C, and E days
-Encourage her to wear her uniform to PE class daily
-Purchase cross training or running shoes for PE
-Encourage Sunscreen and a Hat
-Provide a good breakfast
-Send a note or email for illness or injuries
-Take an interest in what is happening in class
-Encourage Physical Activity at home

Here's to a great year ahead! I will update the blog periodically with information and photos...enjoy!

"6th graders - playing Name Toss"

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